Keith Thurman And The Rear Uppercut

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Today we’ll be analyzing two separate rear uppercuts Keith Thurman has used in matches. The primary purpose of this type of punch is to stop a rushing opponent. The beauty of the shot is that the opponent has a hard time seeing it because it comes from underneath while they are pursuing. The punch effectively counters Thurman’s opponents when they are aggressively coming to him.

Here Thurman tactfully sets up Danny Garcia by moving backwards and using head movement. The shot comes out of sight from underneath, to the body, and uses Garcia’s aggression against him.

Shawn Porter closes the gap much quicker and less conservatively than Danny Garcia. So here the rear uppercut allows Thurman an answer when he can’t effectively use his footwork to escape and reset himself to a more favorable position. Once again the shot comes out of sight from underneath, but to the chin in this instance, and uses Porter’s aggression against him.

Keith Thurman demonstrates the counter rear uppercut is a great counter if you’re moving backwards whether intentionally or because you’re being rushed.

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